Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow struggle

Daniel Wall- Adventure in the woods

The loch ness monster

So I had a dream that I was making a sand castle and in the distance I spot something. It starts to come closer and closer. When it gets to shower its a small little lochness monster. So thats my story

TylerAnn Mack - Parking Lot

original sketch 

rough sketch redrawn on bristol paper

My comic is about how badly my neighbors always park. My roommates and I have gotten into the habit of watching them park when we are in the kitchen, especially when we are doing dishes. 

This story is about my character being bored, hanging out with a friend, when said friend gets a call and leaves the room. My character decided it's an excellent opportunity for a little fun and hides all of the friend's belongings throughout the room. In the end, my character is enjoying watching the friend tear apart the room looking for her stuff from the safety of the cupboard under the sink. 

I mostly utilized scene to scene and moment to moment transitions, I think...
I am wondering whether or not I should put the other character into the same style as my own, along with the setting, or if I should leave it as is. Also, I'm thinking maybe I should flip the bottom panel so that the cupboard opens on the right side? There's also the question of whether there are too many panels crammed together....

The Amazing Pumpkin story that everyone has heard a million times- or- How not to act at a party

Hey Allison, Here are the thumbs for my thrilling story of being hammered, making a poor judgement call involving running head first into a rock-solid pumpkin, and justly receiving an enormous gash on my forehead. I am not sure how I feel about frames 6 and 7. I think I could even add another panel to show the change from panel 5 to my bad decision in panel 6. What do you think?