Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Furniture story

I did mine a bit bigger than 9 x 12 without really thinking, I just used the whole page I had or 11 x 14 paper. My story was about my friend and I moving furniture around when my two other friends left the room. I hope you can see. 

~Alyssa Bean


  1. Hi Alyssa,

    Looks good! For panel #2, make sure that looks like a hungry stomach on the closeup. You did a great job of conveying a complex story without words! One nitpicky thing - the two panels on the lower left that are on top of each other - I am reading them as both down and across, maybe think about having them line up horizontally like the rest of your story. Let me know if you have any questions!


  2. The two panels on the lower left do you mean you don't read them going down? that was the idea but I look at it and think if you see them happy with the chips then see the room then them confused with the chips it may not be too bad.... I guess I'm just worried about all the erasing I've already done and more may cause a problem... but i can probably make it work. Let me know what you think...

  3. Yes, that was what I was talking about. I would say ink as-is, and we can talk about it in critique in class on Tues. We are going to be exploring some digital tricks and that may be a better way to change that up vs. erasing and starting over.


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